Webinar March 6, 2014: Spring Training for the Golf Industry – Top 10 Things That Will Determine Your Success …
Would you wager $20 on yourself if you had the opportunity to make $25,000 with even odds? Seems like an easy bet. You may find it surprising the vast majority of the individuals within the golf industry will not make the bet. Why? Ultimately, for most it comes to a lack of confidence in their own ability to execute. Management and staff at a golf course excel at blaming uncontrollable factors for the financial plight. The harsh reality is that their inability to focus on the controllable factors results in their golf course financially underperforming.
Here is what you will learn in 60 minutes:
- How to precisely measure if demand exceeds supply in your local market. In the Top 100 cities, the results are stunning.
- There are six numbers that determine if your course has a chance to succeed. Many don’t.
- How to leverage 11 month weather forecasting to boost revenue and reduce expenses.
- The financial benchmarking services that produce the greatest insights to ensure you remain competitive.
- How to prepare a five year cash flow forecast in 15 minutes based on 32 numbers.
- The lifecycle of the 13 components of a golf course.
- The 31 tasks performed by maintenance determine his yearly hourly budget. Which is most effective: email, web site marketing, coupons, Facebook or twitter?
- Why barter doesn’t matter.
- How to find out quickly if you offer a platinum, gold, silver, bronze or steel level experience based on 252 criteria field tested that measure the customer experience.
- How much higher you can raise your prices and not lose a customer.
- Is the green fee your charging less than or greater than the experience you are providing?
- The 14 steps on the assembly line of golf and which ones are the most important.
- The 25 questions to ask your customer to measure your customer’s habits, preferences and
The Webinar presents a seven-step process that is guaranteed to identify the financial potential of your golf course, crystallize the appropriate strategic vision based on the course layout and determine the resources required for you to achieve success? If you don’t know these seven steps, you can work incredibly hard and not achieve your potential. This process is documented in The Business of Golf – Why? How? What? 2013 Edition A book for seasoned golf professionals it provides a clear blueprint for success.
The book references 21 templates available for license that were field-tested by 16 golf course managers operating 50 golf courses as an integral component of a pilot study for a doctoral dissertation by the Director of the PGA Professional Golf Management Program.