Revenue Management Webinar: Insights to Boost the Financial Return at Your Golf Course in 2016

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JJ Keegan+ presents a Webinar:  “Revenue Management Made Easy” on March 18, 2016 at 11:30 a.m. EDT (8:30 a.m. PDT).  Registration is complimentary to Resource Members of JJ Keegan+ (click here to join). Guest registration fee is $75.


For over 100 years, golf courses have primitively implemented revenue management.   Green fees have varied based on time of the year, type of golfer, the day of the week, and time of the day.  The golf industry is now in the nascent stages of implementing computer algorithms to help golf course owners anticipate demand and adjust tee time pricing to bolster revenue.

In this Webinar, you will learn:

  • The basics of revenue management
  • How do develop accurate forecasts to ensure maximum bookings based on demand vs. supply in your competitive market
  • Pricing and segmentation
  • Distribution channel management of ideal allocation of direct vs. third party
  • Strategic management and competitive analysis

There are 15,204 golf courses in the United States. We just completed an extensive research project in which we made over 2 million calculations to rank order each golf course by its investment potential. This knowledge will help you determine the demand in your market as a foundation to set your base green fee.

You will also discover new software tools that are marvelous in determining your utilization and rack rate versus the competitive set.

By participating in this Webinar, you will receive, upon the conclusion of the Webinar, two Excel workbooks from the  JJ Keegan+ Golf Executive Management System:

excel The Customer Value Experience guide will help you determine the ideal rack rate for the experience your course creates considering the slope rating, course strategy, conditioning, turf types, ambience, and amenities adjusted to reflect demand in your competitive market.

excel 2The Revenue Management – Modeling Exercise facilitates your annual review by SKU of rounds and revenue per tee time sold.   The impact of proposed pricing changes is quickly learned.

Seating is limited.



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