Three Questions – You Need to Know the Answers to Successfully Run a Golf Course

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There are three questions the answer to which you should know if you are going to maximize the financial return of your golf course?

1)   What is the course’s annual revenue potential?

2)   What is the optimum green fee that you should charge?

3)   Will the experience you offer attract the ideal customer?

Few golf courses know the answers to these questions.

The Formulas

At JJ Keegan+, we recently concluded a comprehensive study based on extensive field research examining 44 components of the more than 15,000 golf courses in the United States. The results are amazing. You can learn and apply the answers to these vital benchmarks in less than 30 minutes. The effect will be immediate.   You will exponentially improve your financial results.

What are the elements that comprise these winning formulas?  Our proprietary recipes for your success measures:

1)   The Annual Potential Revenue at Your Golf Course.   Within 10 miles of your golf course, we evaluate the MOSAIC profile, age, ethnicity, income, the number of golfers per 18 holes in your competitive market, your prime time rate, and your slope rating. With fuse that data with the annual spending by golfers in your market.

Our research shows that the average golf course is only realizing 60% of its potential revenue leaving hundreds of thousands of dollars on the table.

2)   Your Optimum Green Fee. Understanding your customer’s common characteristics, motivations, and consumers preferences, we intersperse that data amongst six yardsticks to calculate the correct rate centered on the experience your facility offers. The slope rating, strategy, course conditions, types of grasses, the ambiance and the amenities provided are the six key ingredients.

Most golf courses manager set their price based on their dumbest competitor’s tariff. It doesn’t need to be that way if the JJ Keegan+ Predicative Index is put into action.

3)   Your Ideal Golfer Profile. There is a unique blending of the local demographics with the facility’s slope rating that defines the type of golfer that you will attract and retain. Is your facility likely to appeal to the casual, core or avid golfer? The course’s challenge, the pace of play, and maintenance expenses served as the foundation balanced with demographics to sustain customer loyalty.

Gaining a Competitive Advantage

For $749, you can gain a tremendous advantage from these valuable principles uniquely fostered and exclusively available only at JJ Keegan+.   Click on the button, PROFIT NOW, and merely enter your course name, zip code, and your golf course’s slope rating.

You will instantly receive:

1) Your confidential report highlighting your facility’s annual revenue potential. This report documents the 44 metrics supporting our proprietary calculation.  A local market analysis costs over $1,000 alone with other firms and provides scant data rarely actionable.

2)   An Excel template in which, in less than 5 minutes, you can determine your optimum green fee.

Upon reviewing these insights, you will also obtain a 30-minute complimentary consultation with JJ Keegan to ensure that can understand, apply and immediately benefit from the insights provided. We are steadfast in our desire to ensure your financial triumph.


You will also receive, after the consultation with JJ Keegan, an Excel template listing over 250 elements for you to conduct a secret shopper review of your facility.   Eighty-two percent of golf courses do not undertake this independent review.   You will quickly learn if your course offers Platinum, Gold, Silver, Bronze or Steel experience.

Also, you will obtain entrance to our extensive library of over 200 valuable resources to attain your facility’s potential.


What is the catch?  The formulas developed apply only to eighty-percent of golf courses located in the United States.  We will continue to evolve the research to more accurately reflect in the future the financial potential of resorts and residential golf courses.

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