2015 Best Management Practices – Photo Essay

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The 50 “Best” Management Practices really represent unique ideas that JJ Keegan has observed over the past five years since he last published a photo essay of the Best Management Practices. Courses highlighted were located in ten different countries: Australia (2) Canada (8), China (2), Estonia (1), Finland (1), Korea (2), Mexico (4), Sweden (1) Thailand (1), United States (29).  Four of the Five Top Practices are from foreign countries showing the globalization of the game.

The purpose of this photo essay is to show golf course managers what their peers are doing around the world to attract and retain customers. While no single idea presented herein will be radically illuminating or perhaps a great departure from your current practices, this photo essay is designed to serve as a catalyst ‘How can we offer our customers better value?”   From working at a facility daily, golf course operators anesthetized to what you do well and to those items that really aren’t up to your standards but you accept they will get fixed – “some day.”

2015 Best Management Practices 9 6 2015 Updated


This Photo Essay, representing all new practices observed, is an integral part of the series that has been published in 2001, 2003, 2005 and 2010.   Copies of those photo essays are complimentary to individual who license RESOURCES from JJKeegan+.  The 2015 Best Management Practices – A Photo Essay is one of 220 resources available to those who invest a 12 month license through August 31, 2016.




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