Why Are We Different from Other “Consultants”

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Every business has a formula for success.  Every enterprise has the opportunity to create value for its customers on a foundation that optimizes its financial return.

While the ownership of a golf course is challenging in that every golf course is unique, the success of each golf course is fashioned on a common set of business principles.

J Keegan+, through twenty-five years of in-depth analytics and extensive research on over 1,250 golf courses, has created definitive a blueprint that will guide through a seven-step process every public golf course to achieve its investment potential.

By analyzing 44 variables, JJ Keegan+ created the Predictive Index that rank orders the profit potential of every golf course in the United States from 1 to 14,613.  Their analysis has concluded most golf courses are vastly underperforming.

By applying a set of heuristic models that the firm has developed in combination with 18 master guides, a course management team can create quickly and effective a winning strategic business plan.

The key insights JJ Keegan+ provides a public golf course include:

  • Grasping the influence of uncontrollable elements (demand vs. supply, demographics measured by age, income and ethnicity, the experience desired by likely customers, and number of playable golf days)
  • Judiciously managing the customer experience through properly establishing rates based on the slope rating and course conditions.
  • Understanding the importance of customer-centric technology to creates meaningful benchmarks on which staffing, agronomic and architectural practices, and the golfer touchpoints can be enhanced to safeguard that value is generated ensuring that customer loyalty is achieved.

For an investment starting at $7,500, JJ Keegan+ can lead you to maximize the financial return of your golf course producing positive results within 30 days.  The firm can be reached at jjkeegan@jjkeegan.com or 303 596 4015.

To register for the 2019 Fall Webinar series, click here.


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