Shh!  We Should Not Talk About This: Sexual Harassment in the Golf Industry 

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Having written 100 blogs since January 11, 2016, we monitor both the private and public comments about topics we address that are focused on the same theme:  guiding golf course owners to improve their investment return

OurNovember article on Sexual Harassment, while read frequently, drew little comment.  Another industry thought leader contacted the PGA Vice President and drew no response.  Our reaching out to the PGA’s Diversity and Inclusion Department drew no response either.  The Past President of the PGA and a Senior Leader of the R&A Rules Committee unsubscribed.   As described to me by another thought leader, “It appears the PGA of America, has gone radio silent on this issue.”  The walls are high, the entry doors are scarce and the secret code to enter only is only in the possession of a few. 

In contrast, Canada’s Golf Industry News is bringing the matter to light: Click here.

As Cathy Young, an opinion columnist for Newsday wrote for the Wall Street Journal on December 2-3 edition, “Today’s sexual-harassment scandals don’t tell us much about how ordinary men and women should interact at work.  It may be time to rethink the rules.”  

Her conclusion is telling, “Any notion of simply banishing romantic or sexual interactions at work with fail.”  She cites that a survey that 27% view work as a dating pool while only 20% stated they use a dating app or website. 

The results of our six question November poll confirms she is on point.  Download survey results by clicking here. Download  

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