Email marketing services (Constant Contact, Mail Chimp, Vertical Response) charge monthly based on the number of registered opt-in subscribers. Over time, those respondents can sometimes lose interest in your products and services and no longer open your marketing pieces whether they be newsletters, tournament promotions, season pass campaigns, etc. Other times an individual can leave the firm they are with, and the employer doesn’t remove his email address from their database. Thus, it appears the message is being correctly delivered.
During December, using Mail Chimp’s Contact Rating scale, we analyze our email database of 17,833 email addresses and sent the following email
“Parting is Such Sweet Sorry.”
“We have great respect for your time. Sending you an email in an intrusion on your most valuable resource.
Therefore, we are going to delete you from our email database effective January 31, 2019. You can continue to receive insights and perspectives on how a golf course can reach its financial potential by merely CLICKING READ MORE below.
In departing, we would like to provide you one last insight from which you can benefit in your marketing efforts.
Over the holidays, I analyzed the contact ratings given by Mail Chimp to our email database. Here are the star ratings:
Star Rating |
Number in File |
0 |
5,454 |
1 |
2,257 |
2 |
5,859 |
3 |
1,816 |
4 |
726 |
5 |
1,721 |
Database |
17,833 |
The ratings are based on the number of opens based on emails sent and click-throughs. We are removing from our database those with a 0 and 1 Star Rating.
We would recommend your undertaking the same analysis with your database and after attempting to re-engage your lost customers, removing them from your database will reduce your monthly marketing costs.”
The response I got was amazing. Twenty-seven unsubscribed from a list that they were going to be automatically deleted from anyhow. Figure the intelligence of the typical person. More importantly, I received over 125 emails asking that they not be removed some pleading and some passionately asking to continue to receive our newsletter.
The email campaign was a success. Hope this suggestion helps you also.
jack sauers
Thanks for sharing
Peter Aiello
This is a real eye opener. Will be passing it along to our sales and marketing team to do a similar analysis.
Who would have thought.
Thank you