Management Companies: It Always Surprises Me! 

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In guiding municipalities in the selection of a management company, we often write the Request for Proposal, develop a list of the qualified firms, facilitate the short list interviews as a non-voting committee member and often assist in drafting the contract.

Having now witnessed over 30 short-list presentations, I remain amazed. There are ten things each firm could do to make their presentation more effective.

We have spent a fair amount of time studying design principles and techniques to enhance presentations reading many books including:

• Presentation Zen Design, Garr Reynolds
• The Naked Presenter: Delivering Powerful Presentations With our Without Slides, Garr Reynolds
• Presentation Secrets, Alexi Kapterev
• Resonate, Nancy Duarte
• Don’t Make Me Think, Steve Krug
• The Non-Designer’s Design Book, Robin Williams
• Beyond Bullet Points, Cliff Atkinson

That raises the questions, is a Power Point Presentation even appropriate? We remain surprised at some of the fundamental mistakes leading management companies often make in presenting.

If you are a management company and would like to learn the secrets of what is well received and frequently rejected by municipal government employees, call us at 303 596 4015.

We will meet with your sales team and guide them through the process of ensuring their next presentation will be far better received.

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