Light of Exposure Often Makes Positive Contribution

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In JJKeegan+’s April newsletter (, the feature opinion/editorial asked, “

“NGCOA:  Is the Train off the Rails?

Hughes is leaving, “Third Party Task Force” languishes, private negotiations continue with, questions whether member input on List-Serv is being filtered, have arisen, and State Associations are forming alliances.  Oh, my! Oh, my! Simple solutions abound to strategically re-invigorate NGCOA.”

The article was well received by those in the industry save for NGCOA Senior Management, who took umbrage with our revealing that the “emperor has no clothes.”

One person asked, “Why write the article? How will it generate revenue for JJKeegan+ for if it doesn’t, does it serve your personal interests well?”

Our clients are golf course owners. We create astute insights that enhance the financial performance of a golf course.   Our seven step process serves as the foundation for our golf executive management system that crystallizes the path to success for sophisticated golf course managers.

Thus, our sole focus is to mentor golf course owners, whether they be operating military, municipal, daily fee or private clubs, to create value for golfers on a foundation that optimizes their investment return.

Highlighting the shortcomings of what could be a valuable resource for owners, the National Golf Course Owners Association, hoping that changes will be implemented to benefit our clients is consistent with our mission.

The article provided 8 positive suggestions:

  • Value needs to be enhanced to members.
  • The Golf Industry Show show be re-consolidated with the NGCOA, GCSAA, CMAA and NCA participating.
  • The next CEO of the NGCOA should have a strong golf operations background.
  • The influence of management companies who do not own golf course should be tempered.
  • The Associations member bulletin board (Accelerate – List Serv) should be unfiltered by NGCOA management and staff.
  • Industry buying cooperatives should be strengthened.
  • Educational opportunities should be increased through e-newsletters, webinars and sponsoring presenters at Annual Conferences, who are engaged in the industry.
  • The Association should be a vocal leader representing the collective interest of golf course owners in common issues: credit card processing, the growth of the game, legislation, property taxes, third-party tee time companies, etc.


We are pleased to report that immediately with the publication of the article, the NGCOA issued a statement that the filtering of posts would be suspended. Also, software vendors under consideration by the NGCOA Tee Time Task Force were notified of the transition in leadership occurring, requested to have patience and that their potential solutions to benefit NGCOA members would be fully vetted in the intermediate term.

Thus, the light of exposure brought positive benefit to NGCOA members.  Some progress on a trail that is very long.

The fact remains that the NGCOA is unfortunately largely irrelevant in setting the agenda for the “business of golf.”  That was made clear by the announcement last week citing,

“The PGA Tour, LPGA, PGA of America, U.S. Golf Association and Masters will team to focus on four areas of developing the game, including bringing golf to young people, improving player development on an adult level, accessibility to the game and sustainability.[1]

“The golf organizations have identified five key projects that have begun that we believe can be scaled and then with our joint resources can really have an impact on the game,” Tour commissioner Tim Finchem said.

The group also plans to focus on sustainability and barriers to participation, including costs, time and resource management.”

For the NGCOA, whose members will share in the financial responsibility for implementing the many programs developed, to not have a place in those meetings, reflects, we believe, that the major Associations, like JJKeegan+, feel the NGCOA’s ability to contribute in a meaningful way at the current time is minimal. Hopefully that changes soon.



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