July 18, 2014: How Effectively Do You Manage Your Course? Find Out Now from this 30 Question Quiz…

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A Quiz: Are You Optimizing the Financial Performance of Your Golf Course?

How effectively do you manage your course?  Click here to take a brief quiz. This survey will provide you key insights regarding:

1) Are you optimizing the financial performance of your facility?
2) Will your management team benefit from attending the JJKeegan+ Fall Webinar series?

Upon completing the survey, you will see how your policies and procedures compare to the business practices of your contemporaries, upon providing your email address. This 39-question true/false, multiple choice quiz will take less than 10 minutes to complete but provide a lifetime of insights on how to optimize the financial performance of your golf course.

Here is a suggested grading scale based on the pre-test survey conducted for an Ed.D dissertation on Professional Golf Management at Clemson University at Clemson University:

Score Ranking
36 – 39 Less than 10 Top 10%
30 – 35 Top 25%
20 – 29 Median
10 – 19 Bottom 33%
Less than 10 Bottom 25%

Your results will be emailed to you within 48 hours after completing the quiz. If you scored less than 29, you might consider enrolling in the JJKeegan+ Business of Golf University. By doing so, we will unlock the secret of a simple golf course management system to create value for your golfers on a foundation that optimizes the financial performance of your facility.

The class is limited to 10-golf courses which will participate in a two-month Webinar series to create a winning 2015 strategic plan.  Call303-283-8880 now or click below to secure your spot, as registration is limited.

Register Now

The principles and templates of our uniquely analytical approach were vetted by 11 leading PGA golf course managers who operate 34-golf courses.  Click here to read what participants Brad Dean, PGA – Crystal Mountain Resort; Del Ratcliff, PGA – Charlotte, NC; and Jim Roschek, PGA – San Antonio, TX commented about their experience in the Clemson study. If these leading golf operators gained substantial value, can you imagine how you can also benefit?

Here is the class schedule and what you will learn about your golf course:

Date Learning Objectives and Goals
September 4, 2014:  11:30 EDT8:30 PDT Introduction to Why? How? What?  Learn how every operational decision can be traced to the tactical plan and upwards to the strategic vision.  Your strategic vision, based on “Why”, will be defined.
September 11, 2014: 11:30 EDT8:30 PDT Learn the seven key numbers that predict your success.  Do the demographics indicate that there is there sufficient demand to meet the available supply? Is the age, income, ethnicity, and population density sufficient to sustain the golf course? How many golfers per 18-holes are there within the competitive local market.  Is the slope rating for your course consistent and aligned with the demographics?
September 18, 2014: 11:30 EDT8:30 PDT Leverage the Weather Trends International.  Weather Playable Days Report and 11 Month forecasting tools that are provided. Realize the impact of weather on rounds played and on management scheduling policies. Discover if there are sufficient playable days to generate a return on the proposed investment.
September 25, 2014: 11:30 EDT8:30 PDT Ascertain how effectively you are integrating golf management solutions to enhance customer service in a class exercise.  Understand how to create a database for your customer relationship management system.  Find out if your website is designed to boost rounds and why golf courses that are using dynamic revenue management are profiting by beating the tee time bandits at their own game.  
October 2, 2014: 11:30 EDT8:30 PDT Quickly develop a five-year cash flow forecast based on those variables that impact your profitability.  Ascertain the key benchmarks that your team should monitor.  Determine the debt service your facility may be able to cover.  Become skilled at recognizing whether the customer experience you create is consistent with the fees charged.
October 9, 2014:  11:30 EDT8:30 PDT A golf course is a living organism.  Become skilled at forecasting capital expenditures and equipment requirements from class exercises.  Acquire knowledge as to the cost of renovating the 12 components of a golf course.  
October 16, 2014: 11:30 EDT8:30 PDT Secret shop your golf course with the guidelines being provided to ensure the quality of each step on the “assembly line of golf.”
October 23, 2014: 11:30 EDT8:30 PDT Find out who your core customers are and how much they spend annually.  Learn their annual retention rate, their barriers to increased play, their perceived value of your golf course, and most importantly, the loyalty to your facility.  
October 30, 2014: 11:30 EDT8:30 PDT Assemble the insights and perspectives from 21-class exercises to ensure a winning strategic plan for 2015 is created.

These unique insights and perspectives to be taught in the fall semester are presented in the textbook, The Business of Golf – Why? How? What?. Begin making a difference in your golf course’s financial fortunes with this Summer special: 40% off with “WHY40” code.

Buy Now

Those selected will be taught to create a strategic blueprint that will be easy to understand and simple to execute. The cost of investing in a strategic plan can range from $30,000 to $75,000. Your investment in this one is only $7,500, plus travel expenses if you would like for us to shop your facility secretly and conduct an in-person staff training session on creating sustainable customer service.

Our goal is to ensure that you realize the full value from your golf course investment by participating in the JJKeegan+ Business of Golf University and thereby by creating sustainable value-based golf experiences.

If you would like to register for the fall semester classes or have questions, please call me at (303) 283 8880.

Register Now

Must Read: Global Golf Post Click here to subscribe to the best coverage of the “game of golf.”

Jim Nugent has assembled an amazingly talents group of editors and writers (Brian Hewitt, Mike Purkey, Tim Cronin, Steve Eubanks, Ron Green, Jr., John Hopkins, Lewine Mair, John Steinbreder, etc.)

It is my Monday morning first thing reading. Those go beyond the numbers and cover the human interest stories that makes the game so appealing.

A Key to the Future of the Game: Golf Sustainability & Women

Like any sport, golf goes through cycles.

In 1996, Tiger Woods’ arrival on the PGA Tour drove droves of golfers and golf fans. Around that time, America’s housing boom led to a substantial rise in golf-course communities.

With those upticks long gone, the key to golf’s vitality for generations to come lies with industry leaders’ abilities to cause an influx of female participants. This promotional approach helped save tennis as Jimmy Connors, Bjorn Borg and John McEnroe faded decades ago.

After all, while women represent nearly 50% of the population and reportedly 85% of consumer purchases, the demographic comprises only 19% of golfers. The upside is significant.

How to break intimidation barriers causing females to overlook the game? How to relieve anxiety of first-time and beginner golfers?

A leading golf-course management firm, Billy Casper Golf, is doing something about it. Its acquisition of Women on Course last year provides welcome environments for female golfers of all skill levels. Signature events, weekend destination trips and other activities involving golf and non-golf networking opportunities continue to attract and keep thousands of women in golf. Membership is up 400% in roughly ten months.

Women on Course’s “Play Your Own Way” program allows members to form their own rules. Still respecting etiquette and traditions of the game, it’s led to more smiles, more laughs and more women on the links.

With “Score Five on Every Hole,” players take one-tee shot, one-fairway shot, one-chip and two putts. They use every aspect of their games without the worry of keeping score or slowing down the group.

While most treat golf as a sport, Women on Course allows women to treat golf as an enjoyable recreational activity, too: So what if they swing and miss. It’s a social gathering, enjoyment of the outdoors. Others swing and miss, too. Laugh it off. No one is cheating, just simply learning the game at their desired pace on their own terms.

Women on Course gets it! It’s introducing women to the sport and engaging them for a lifetime of fun.

Events aren’t only conducted on Billy Casper Golf-managed properties. Take a peek to involve your golf operation –www.womenoncourse.com.

World Largest Logo Golf Ball Collection? Quite Possible

As a panelist for Golf Magazine’s Top 100 Golf Courses in the World, I have visited over 45 countries and has seen over 4,000 of the world’s 33,331 golf courses.

During my travels, I have collected logo golf balls for the world’s best golf courses. The cost of assembling this collection of 1,200+ golf balls would exceed $100,000 and consume over 4 years of constant travel. The cost of the golf balls alone would exceed $3,600. Enjoy the thrill and the experience of having a museum of celebrating the finest golf courses in the world including 200 logo golf balls from international courses.

As a bonus for buying this auction item, we will ship 6 logo ball racks holding 88 golf balls valued at $90 each and a logo ball rack for your office where you can display your favorite 35 courses.

The stories that can be told will be amazing.

Logo Ball Collection
Earn 10% commission by referring buyer upon completion of auctio. If you have any questions, call 303.283.8880.

Current Engagements

In July, we are measuring the financial impact of the airport expansion at Sioux Falls, SD. Further, we guiding the Kokanee Springs Resort and the Miskanaw Golf Course in Alberta along with Balnar Golf, Ltd. in Ontario regarding strategic, tactical and operational issues. We are also finalizing a five-year cash flow forecast for a leading four-course complex in the midwest.

The JJKeegan+ University web site will have new two case studies posted shortly and a test bank of question to train golf course staff to create value for PGM students and golf course personnel.

We are heading late this month on tour of golf courses in Estonia, Finland, Russia (3 holes in St. Petersburg), and Sweden. Look at our Pinterest board in August for best golf management practices observed.

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