Greg Nathan of NGF makes Valid Points re Value of Golf in September Newsletter

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Mayor’s Blog: The Mayor Channels David Letterman – “The Late Show” Top 10 for Golf

Volume 5, Issue 9 – September 2015

Top 10 true and positive statements about golf that don’t typically appear in the general media

  1. U.S. Golf participation has been stable at 25MM since 2011
  2. Approximately 2MM brand new golfers (never played before) take up the game each year… and another 2MM former golfers return to the game annually
  3. There are 6.4MM millennial (age 18-34) golfers, spending more than $5B annually on golf
  4. The pool of interested prospects for golf is enormous – more than 32MM non-golfing Americans are “very” or “somewhat” interested in playing golf right now
  5. Golf employs more than 2MM Americans
  6. The average annual number of rounds played, per golfer, is more than 18
  7. Golf generates nearly $4B in contributions to charity annually
  8. There are more municipal golf facilities in the U.S. today than ever before
  9. 75% of golf is played at public golf courses (not so elitist after all!)
  10. Golf is the #1 outdoor pay-for-play individual participation sport

Extra Holes: Golf is the greatest game ever.  It’s a sport for a lifetime that everyone can enjoy, a tradition like no other, a platform to teach ethics, discipline and integrity, the best sport for business (Cycling?  Puh-leese!!!!), and so much more.


Yours truly,
The HMCT (aka Greg Nathan, NGF)

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1 comment

  1.    Reply

    Not only helpful but noted most apparent important factor that 75% of rounds played on Public courses.

    Well done Greg.

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