September 2014 Podcast – Jeff Harrison: Golf Industry Training Association

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Castle Pines, CO (September 29, 2014): Golf Industry Training Association publishes “The Winning Playbook”in Podcast Interview with J. J. Keegan, of JJKeegan+.

Jeff Harrison, PGA Professional, Video Marketing Expert, and founder of the Golf Industry Training Association online resource, focused on addressing the challenges of the golf industry in creating value for golfers on a foundation that optimizes the financial potential of a golf course.


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During the Podcast J. J. Keegan, Author of The Business of Golf – Why? How? What?(Click here to learn more) presents a seven step formula that will guide a golf course to financial profitability: 1) Understandingthe six numbers that determine a golf course’s potential based on its location; 2) Leveraging weather forecasting; 3) Ensuring that the technology deployed is transaction vs. static information based, 4) Benchmarking a golf courses financial performance against its industry peers; 5) Providing adequate capital reserves recognizing that the golf course is a living organism that requires constant re-investment; 6) Ensuring the golfer receives value along the 13 customer touch points on the assembly line of golf; and 7) Accepting that the frequency of a golfer’s plays a course doesn’t equal loyalty.

Other recent podcasts published by Jeff Harrison include:

  • Henry Delozier, Global Golf Advisors, “Attracting New Golfers”
  • Tom Morton, Morton Golf, “Developing the Golf Game”
  • Mark Simon, Reed Exhibitions, “#Marc Simon: Bringing Golf tothe Next Generation”
  • Suzy Whaley, PGA Professional and Candidate for Secretary of PGA of America, “Attracting Millennials to the Game.”

For Additional Information
Marissa Witmer, Vice President, Social Media

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