Diversity and Inclusion: When Will Theory Become Reality

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Eight of the finest women leaders in the golf industry walked onto the stage.  They took their positions seated and quiet in this one act play.

They were followed by a man who took from his suit a piece of paper, introduced the woman to the audience and then proceeded to read how pleased he was to announce the launch of a new website for women, www.golfforher.com.    Upon finishing the prepared announcement, they collectively rose and departed without comment from anyone.

What am I missing?  That was awkward at best and at worst, it represents the continuation of talking about how women are important to the growth of the game, yet they are treated dismissively by men.

On March 6, 2015, it was announced, Scotland’s golf clubs have overwhelmingly backed the Proposal to amalgamate the Scottish Golf Union (SGU) and the Scottish Ladies’ Golfing Association (SLGA) after voting 97% in favor via an independent poll. Click here to read the full story.

That begs the questions, why are their 106 Women’s State and Regional Golf Associations amongst the 267 golf associations listed on the USGA website?  Click here to view the entire list.

We can talk about diversity and inclusion but until we start practicing that philosophy we are  merely providing the issue lip service.

Take a two question poll to express your views on this sensitive subject.  Click here

One woman who is trying to change our national conscience on this issue is Sandy Cross, Senior Director of Diversity & Inclusion, PGA of America. Follow Sandy’s educational efforts on Twitter and LinkedIn.

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