December 2, 2014: Business of Golf University – Winter Webinar Series Announced

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Register for a free webinar

Castle Pines, CO (December 2, 2014)  Coming January 8, 2015 – “Business of Golf University Winter Webinar Series” by JJKeegan+

Ten golf courses are invited to participate in a webinar series beginning January 8, 2015.  Create you 2015 strategic plan in 7 easy steps with access to 21 templates highlighted in the “Business of Golf – Why? How? What?”  Call 303-283-8880 now to register or click here to secure your spot.   Save $1,500 by enrolling now.

Your golf course management team will be guided to create a winning strategic vision, determine the appropriate resources and the policies and procedures to achieve consistent execution. The concepts presented will ensure your golf course achieves it financial potential in 2015.  Each participant will receive:

  1. A geographic local market analysis identifying the financial potential of your facility. This will include the six key measurements that accurately forecast the potential of your facility. These numbers are the key drivers of your course revenue.
  2. A weather playable-days study determining if you are over- or under-performing the weather. You will also receive an 11- month weather forecast that will be approximately 83% accurate with respect to weather and 89% accurate with respect to precipitation.
  3. Evaluation of the technology currently installed at your facility to assess if has been efficiently integrated and is properly leveraged.
  4. The financial performance of your facility will be benchmarked against industry norms.
  5. Deferred capital expenditures will be measured and equipment and staffing levels will be reviewed to ensure consistency with the facility’s brand promise.
  6. A secret-shopper analysis highlighting the touch points on your assembly of line of golf as to whether your customer service is at a platinum, gold, silver, bronze, or steel level. The value created, as measured by the experience provided, will be determined to ascertain if your green fee rates are properly set.
  7. A proprietary survey of your golfers will be conducted to measure their customer loyalty and your demand elasticity.

The principles and templates to be taught were vetted by 16 leading golf course managers who operate 50 golf courses; the information was gathered for a Clemson University Ed.D. Dissertation written by the director of the university’s PGA Professional Golf Management Program, Rick Lucas.

The cost of investing in a strategic plan can range from $30,000 to $75,000. Your investment in this one is only $6,000 if you register by December 31, 2014. Save $1,500.  The tuition is $7,500 if you register in January, 2015.

It is our opinion that few golf courses reach their full potential. Our goal is to ensure that you realize full value from your golf course investment by participating in the Business of Golf University and by creating sustainable value based golf experiences.

If you would like to register for the winter semester classes or have questions, please call (303) 283-8880 or Click here to secure your spot.

Marissa Witmer, Social Media Specialist

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