1-2-1 Marketing, Inc. – How Effective Would You Rate Their Sales Strategy?

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This firm states on its website,

“We develop cutting-edge golf course websites that sell more tee times through the power of email, search engine optimization, social media, text marketing and more. Find out how we’ve helped over 500 golf courses grow.”

If their marketing practices are indicative of how they guide clients, I am skeptical as to the value they create for clients.

In October 2015, I was sent by Aaron Dyer nearly identical email messages in triplicate on October 6, 12, 19, 23, and 27.  None of his email messages provides you the ability to unsubscribe in compliance with CAN-SPAM ACT.  Illustrated below is the plethora of messages received:

Aaron Dyer

Upon receipt of the message, I hit reply to these message of October 6 and 12 asking that he delete two of the three emails from his database.  I understand how duplicate emails can get into one’s database.  However, he failed to respond.  His spam filter could have been set too high as an explanation, but that is not justifiable reason.

This experience gives me pause in continuing to recommend a firm that historically has been noteworthy and gives me concern for golf course operators who may be following 1-2-1’s marketing strategy to enhance customer loyalty.

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