These templates have been refined over twenty-five years to assist course management to develop internally a “winning strategic plan” for their facility cost effectively.  The templates can be downloaded below.

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Note that individuals who purchase templates, also receive a 30 minute ZOOM meeting consulting session to ensure you receive full value from your investment.

Step Description File Format Level of
Explanation  Price
All Templates, if bought individually: $4,790
All templates can be purchased for a set for: $2,000 Click here to purchase
1 Vision – Private Golf Course   PowerPoint Entry Promises versus performance.  This templates helps a private club determine if its brand promise is at the platinum (5-star), gold (4-star), silver (3-star, bronze (2-star) or steel (1-star). $10
1 Vision – Public Golf Course    PowerPoint Entry Promises versus performance.  This template helps a public course (daily fee, municipal, or resort) determine if its brand promise is at the platinum (5-star), gold (4-star), silver (3-star, bronze (2-star) or steel (1-star). $10
1 A Geographic Local Market Analysis   Excel Intermediate Demographic profile (age, income, ethnicity & population density) contrasts your course with the golf courses within 30 miles of yours to determine strategic potential. $1,250
1 Slope Rating vs. Mosaic Profile Correlation   Excel Easy Assess whether the MOSAIC profile and the slope rating of your course in balance to attract and retain golfers within a 10 mile radius $50
2 Revenue Performance vs. Weather Playable Days   Excel Intermediate Is your facility under- or over-performing in relationship to the number of golf playable days? This template will help you measure that benchmark.  Includes 12 month license from Weather Trends International $750
3 Technology Integration Checkpoint   Excel Easy In today’s Internet connected world, customer service and financial reporting is rooted in the idea application of technology.  This worksheet highlights the options available to ensure that you are leveraging technology properly. $100
4 Cash Flow Forecast – 5 Years – Daily Fee/Municipal – 1 course   Excel Advanced The operation of a daily fee or a municipal golf course can be forecast based on 60 controllablevariables. This worksheet facilitates sensitivity analysis to quickly project revenues, income, and expenses for the next 5 years for daily fee and municipal golf courses.


This templates is also available for 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 courses with a consolidated worksheet tab and capital investment option alternatives.

4 Cash Flow Forecast – 5 Years – Private Club or Resort   Excel Advanced The operation of a private club can be forecast based on 50 controllable variables. This worksheet facilitates sensitivity analysis to quickly project revenues, income, and expenses for the next 5 years for private club courses. $500
4 Cash Flow Forecast – 5 Years – Resort   Excel Advanced The operation of a resortcan be forecast based on 75 controllable variables. This worksheet facilitates sensitivity analysis to quickly project revenues, income, and expenses for the next 5 years for resort golf courses. $250
5 Maintenance – Annual Labor Hour Estimate   Excel Intermediate A superintendent engages in 40 separate tasks that vary by day, week, season, or annually. This worksheet calculates the labor hours required annually to maintain a golf course. $50
5 Deferred Capital Expenditures Template   Excel Entry There are 14 depreciable capital components that comprise a golf course. This spreadsheet will help you determine the annual capital allocation that should be in reserve and the aggregate deferred component. $50
5 Equipment Inventory Master   Excel Advanced There are 44 different pieces of equipment required to properly maintain the course.  This worksheet calculates the value of equipment on hand, capital reserves required and components that should be acquired. $50
5 Equipment Inventory Master   Excel Advanced The worksheet provides inputs for the expected life of the equipment, current age and the needed capital reserve funds. $100
5 Golf Course Maintenance Budget Business Plan   Excel Advanced A comprehensive worksheet with 16 Tabs to analyze all aspects of a maintenance operations. $200
5 Labor Expense and Scheduing Forecast   Excel Intermediate Schedule recurring weekly tasks and capital projects providing forecast of labor costs. $50
5 Maintenance Task Matrix with Expense Projection   Excel Easy There are many levels on which a golf course can be managed.  This worksheet helps determine the frequency of the tasks, the labor required and the projected costs. $100
5 Weekly Golf Course Labor Scheduler   Excel Easy A quick tool to determine labor costs for the week. $100
6 Customer Value Experience   Excel Entry Most golf courses determine green fees based on historical rates or what their competition s charging.  This exercise will provide an estimate of the correct green fee based on the experience that is created at the facility. $100
6 Green Fee Pricing Tool – Simple   Excel Intermediate There is a relationship between 18 weekend, weekday, 9 holes, morning, afternoon, senior, and junior green fee rates. This template confirms those interrelationships to ensure all of your prices are “in balance” for the fees posted. $50
6 Green Fee Pricing Tool – Complex   Excel Intermediate There is a relationship between 18 weekend, weekday, nine holes, morning, afternoon, senior, and junior green fee rates, as well as frequent player cards and seasons, passes. This template confirms those interrelationships to ensure all of your prices are “in balance” for the fees posted. $75
6 Green Fee Yield – Revenue Modeling Exercise   Excel Intermediate Determine the impact on revenue by changing the rates or rounds for the principal categories available. $50
6 Loyalty Cards -Sensititivity Analysis   Excel Intermediate Frequent player cards (loyalty) that are offered for a set price that provides varying discounts can significantly lower the effective Revenue Per Round.  This worksheet helps you determine the correct pricing. $50
6 Season Pass – Sensitivity Analysis   Excel Entry Determine the correct price for a season pass based on the number of playable days in a golf season and the appropriate discount to be provided.  Also measure the impact on total revenue of raising prices and estimating decreased unit sales. $50
6 Season Pass vs. Frequent Player Cards   Excel Advanced Offering unlimited play season passes and loyalty cards can create customer confusion and unwittingly lower your realized revenue.  This worksheet identified the break point of each program. $50
6 Secret Shopper Service Checklist   Excel Entry On the assembly line of golf, there are 111 customer touch points that contribute to the player’s perception of value.  This checklist provides guidance in measuring the experience provided at your golf course. $25
7 Golfer Survey – Loyalty and Preference   Excel Entry There are 30 questions that a customer survey should include.  Use of this document will help your golf course craft an effective survey to ensure insightful responses. $25


Note all templates come with a complimentary 30 minutes consulting session to sure you can implement at your facility and gain value.