Get Golf Ready – We Have a Problem

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It was a well-intentioned idea.  I enrolled my wife in the Get Golf Ready Clinic at the Troon managed Ridge at Castle Pines.   The opportunity to socialize with some friends and expand her network was the goal.  It started so innocently.

My wife called me after completing her first class while I was traveling with a request. It was important that I buy her some golf hats that would hold a pony tail from the famed courses I was at.   She said that the golf pros were looking at the women’s’ hats and shirt logos to determine who might have played previously. She wanted to impress.

The next morning, sleeveless logoed golf shirts were added to the list.   Unfortunately, the selection at Bandon Dunes was so poor I could only find one shirt and the selection of golf hats with lacking even though I shopped all four golf shops.

When week five was over, she wanted new clubs having used the Callaway rentals.  She now only wants Callaway or Titleist clubs. Talk about where image is more important than substance.

Last week, she played her first nine-hole round in a scramble with six women as the last group to tee off for the day. Time for nine holes was 3 hours and 45 minutes, and she chuckled stating, “we skipped a hole.”

One lady was 0 for 7 one time in trying to hit the ball.  She looked up while failing away and asked, “Is this like baseball – you only get three strikes, and you are out?”

Another time, someone suggested to my wife’s friend that she place her ball where the divot had flown. It went a lot further than the ball.   On a third occasion, a woman said she was great at miniature golf. One of her playing partners dangled the putter in front of the cup like a windmill. She made the putt laughing all the way.

The women had a great time, and my wife was smiling as she was retelling the antics as she fell asleep.

Finally, the morning’s request was for new golf shoes and lessons at GolfTec this Fall after she read the Denver Post article about how successful Joe Assell, PGA has been in creating that $90 million enterprise.

Trevor Martinet, Assistant Golf Professional at the Ridge at Castle Pines, was incredible.   He dazzled them with his accomplished game on the hole they played together.   More importantly, he made them feel welcomed, was patient and introduced them to the game in a manner where they all had fun and got hooked on the game.  He is a great ambassador for Troon Golf and Get Golf Ready.

What is the problem? I thought it was only going to be a $125 investment. It is probably now going to reach four figures. Ouch!

What is the problem for the industry? Only 2,628 golf facilities of the 15,204 are offering Get Golf Ready programs.   The immediate financial return to the golf course and the long-term benefit to the golf industry are obvious.   Each facility in the US should adopt this program. View or download the 2015 Get Golf Ready Report on why this is such a great initiative.

View:  Get Golf Ready 2015 Annual Report



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  1.    Reply

    As a past PGA golf professional, (left for a better opportunity)my niche was working with beginners so I can speak as an expert on getting people started. It takes a special skill to have the patience and know how to get beginners started and I don’t think the PGA of America understands this. They have spent a ton of cash and golf is dead because the powers to be are trying to make everyone be a stuffy golfer whereas the average golfer is not into that. Case in point, tell me how the pitch putt and drive promotes the game to the average kid. All those kids that make it to the finals are playing AAU golf while other kids have no chance so they go play another sport.

  2.    Reply

    Always enjoy your perspective but 3 hours and 45 minutes for nine holes #$^& keep them off my course 🙂

  3.    Reply

    Trevor is a great ambassador of our facility! Thank you for the great article.

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