Which is Better: A Shotgun Approach or Targeted Email Marketing?

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With Constant Contact, Mail Chimp, Vertical Response and other email marketing platforms, subscribers are billed based on the number of active email addresses.   It is financially prudent to pay monthly fees to maintain a large database of relatively inactive customers?

Every December, we review the efficacy of our email campaigns to evaluate the open, click through and unsubscribe rates.  Mail Chimp is marvelous is providing tools in which each customer is assigned a Star Rating (1 star to 5 star) based on their interaction with our educational and marketing efforts.

On November 17, 2021, we sent the following email to all 1 and 2-star rated readers and to those who had not opened any of our last 20 campaigns:


It has been our pleasure and privilege to provide smart profitable insights regarding the golf industry.  Our mission has been to enhance the golfer experience on a foundation that optimizes the financial performance of a golf course.

To gain a unique perspective that I could share, I have traveled to 58 countries visiting over 6,000 golf courses, spent over six years of my life in Marriott Hotels, and have flown over 3 million miles on United Airlines as reflected below:

It is our belief that it is courteous to selectively unsubscribe customers who appear to be non-responsive to one’s communication.

As the year is ending, we have noted that you have not opened any of our emails during the past year. In this world where the cacophony of chaos reigns, we would like to send you a gift:  we are helping to unclutter your inbox.  This is the last email you will be receiving from JJ Keegan+.  Should you desire to receive our thoughts in 2022, you are welcome to email me at: jjkeegan@jjkeegan.com.

This email is our way of saying, “Happy Thanksgiving.”  Be safe, be well, and hopefully our paths will cross on a golf course.


The reaction was very positive.  We heard from many who wanted to continue to receive our newsletter.  From those who didn’t respond, we were able to archive sufficient emails to save over $1,000 in licensing fees to Mail Chimp.

While some may be think a shotgun approach over selected marketing is desirable, we believe targeted messages to interested individuals who can benefit from the information is of greater value.

What do you think?



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