Create Your 2025 Strategic Plan Online


Webinar Series Total – $7500
The final $3,750 is due upon course completion

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You are invited to register for eight online sessions to create your 2025 strategic plan. The sessions will guide you through the JJ Keegan+ WIN process, which has seven steps, and the accompanying 15 templates.

The presentations are scheduled on dates and times convenient to your management team and staff. Call 303 596 4015 now.

The Program

Your golf course management team will create a winning strategic vision for 2025, determine the required resources, and establish policies and procedures to achieve consistent execution. The concepts presented will ensure your golf course achieves its financial potential next year.

The curriculum has been proven by 25 leading golf course managers operating 75 golf courses for a Clemson University Ed.D. Dissertation written by the Director of PGA Professional Golf Management Program. These unique insights and perspectives are presented in the textbook, “The Business of Golf – What Are Others Thinking“.

You will learn a vast amount of insights and perspectives regarding your facility, including but not limited to:

  1. Is your course’s slope ideal to attract the local golfer?
  2. Does demand equal or exceed supply in your competitive market?
  3. Is the attitudinal behavior of residents within 10 miles attracted to golf?
  4. How many weather playable days do you average?
  5. What is the weather forecast for the next 11 months at your facility?
  6. Are you using technology effectively to attract and retain customers?
  7. How does your financial performance compare to industry benchmarks?
  8. What are your deferred capital expenditures and the annual reserve that should be funded?
  9. A secret shopping analysis highlighting the touchpoints on your assembly of the golf line as to whether your customer service is at a platinum, gold, silver, bronze, or steel level.
  10. Are your green fees properly set based on the experience you create?
  11. Should you offer season passes and frequent player cards, and are the prices correctly established?
  12. How deep is the loyalty of customers to your facility?  A proprietary survey of your golfers will be conducted.

The Webinar series is, as they say, a “no-brainer” for the astute golf course owner. The cost of investing in a strategic plan can range from $30,000 to $75,000. The registration fee is $8,750. A deposit of $3,750 is all that is required to attend the Webinar series. If, after attending the nine one-hour Webinar sessions in which we will apply the lessons directly to your golf course, you don’t believe you have derived value, the final payment will be waived.


  1. Andrew Peterson

    Would want to consider sending a few key staff members through your series this coming year. Is there a discount available for repeat customers: 🙂

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