September 29, 2014: Social Media Exposed

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Social Media Exposed

Do you know who is looking at your website?  Most businesses use Google Analytics to gather “general” information on visitors to their website.

There are two firms we tested during September, and, that are providing some incredible insights about who is specifically visiting our website, what pages they viewed, and how they found our firm.   These are just a few of the many benefits.

As a result, we have been able to create custom email messages to stimulate book sales, consulting engagements, and registration in our Winter webinar series starting January 8, 2015.

Here is how you can benefit from this research.  It is my belief that a golf course that uses these tools to track visitors to their tee time reservations, tournaments, outings, or special event web pages will produce a return on invstment far exceeding the annual software licensing fee of $2,400 for or $3,500 for Visistat.

We continue to test both products and will advise as to which we prefer.

Golf Industry Training Association – New Resource

Jeff Harrison, in the golf industry since 1975, is leading new initiatives to create online educational videos to train golf course staff in marketing, outside services, tournaments, and instruction.

Podcasts with Henry Delozier – Attracting New Golfers; Tim Morton – Developing the Golf Game; Marc Simon – Bringing Golf to the Next Generation; and Suzy Whaley – Helping Golfers become better players provide sage wisdom.  Our podcast, “The Winning Playbook”, will be released on September 26, 2014.

Join Him …and he will personally guide you through the online jungle so you can really ramp Your Golf Facilities’ Sales and Increase the Number of Rounds of golf played at your venue each week.

On J. J. Keegan and JJKeegan+:

Leading PGA Professionals from Ft. Worth, San Antonio, and Virginia have combined with the golf course owners in Fairbanks and Palm Springs to craft successful 2015 business plans based on the JJKeegan+ WIN™ process in our Fall Webinar Series.

What always amazes is the most successful and dedicated golf course owners and managers seek educational opportunities to improve the financial performance of their golf courses.   You would think those who are struggling would be attracted to crafting a winning strategy for 2015.  But such is not the case and perhaps that provides the insight as to why most courses struggle – they don’t know what they don’t know.  Winter Webinar series startsJanuary 8, 2015.

If you would like a copy The Business of Golf – Why? How? What? that is being used as the core textbook for the Fall Webinar series, click here, and enter discount code, WHY50.

Next week we are excited to be presenting to the Metropolitan Golf Association at Bethage State Park at the Public Golf Forum along with Dave Oatis, Director Northeast Region, USGA Green Section, and Jonathan Gold, Player Development Regional Manager in the NY Market Area from the PGA of America.

Thank you for taking a moment to read this newsletter.  We sincerely hope it creates value for golfers on a foundation that optimizes the financial return at your golf course.

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