A look behind the veil shrouding the financial picture of golf courses reveals a disheartening picture. Presented below is a summary of the health of golf courses by type analyzed within a 10 mile radius of the golf course:
To the superficial observer, the benchmark that more courses have closed than opened during the past 10 years serves as a meaningful indicator. However, there are two benchmarks that provide a far more prescient view of the financial potential for a golf course: the number of golfers per 18 holes within 10 miles and the number of golf courses whose annual revenues are less than $1,000,000. Shown here are those benchmarks showing the financial weakness of golf courses in the United States:
In addition, we have ranked the best and worst States in which to operate a golf course. Click here to view a state report on golfers per 1,000 or greater per 18 holes within ten miles of the course or click here to view a state report on revenues greater than $1,000,000 per 18 holes based on annual spending by golfers within 10 miles of the course.
We just completed a comprehensive research study. We will show you how the JJ Keegan Predictive Index is an accurate barometer of every golf course’s ranking among the 15,204 golf courses in the US. It evaluates 44 variables including six key benchmarks: MOSIAC profile, age, income, ethnicity, demand vs. supply and the course’s slope rating. Further, we can share with you how much is being spent on green fees, cart, merchandise and food and beverage within 10 miles of your course.
Intrigued? Call us at a new office number 303 596 4015 and will provide you with a detailed analysis of the economic potential for your golf course and the optimum slope rating for your facility based on demographics.
Gary Wiren
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