NGCOA releases study: “Beware of Barter”

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The 62-page report details the perils of such in a comprehensive report led by Harvey Silverman. Download Very insightful.

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  1.    Reply

    I have had questions about the benefit of “Big Barter” for years as to if they are helping us or hurting us. My contention for several years has been they have hurt the revenue much more than helped. They have been allowed to advertise and sell HOT DEALS before other tee times have been booked. This is especially true on questionable weather days when the HOT DEAL times may be among the only half a dozen or so sold times for the entire day. There have been days when that was the only time sold. Nearly 100% of the bartered times are before noon, or as I call them, Prime Time, when we normally don’t have trouble selling the spots. The mass marketing claim hasn’t helped as I and others still hear comments from golfers in the metro area who either don’t know where we are or that we even exist. “Big Barter” has no skin in the operation yet greatly profit. Tracking for the month of September, going by the latest HOT DEAL rate, and frequently checking until it showed the time was sold, Big Barter grossed about $8k for the month. Stretch that over our season they gross upper 5 figures. Mid 5 figures of additional revenue staying within the course budget would greatly help our operation.

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