What Makes a Parent Proud? A Personal Story

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As a parent, I have had a single goal that my daughter live an enriching life that makes a positive impact on the lives of others.

Working in the arts community, my daughter has earned her Masters Degree and is fluent in five languages.

The Women’s March conducted worldwide on January 20, 2017, attracted over 2.9 million people. Janna volunteered on a team that was responsible for over 100,000 people in heavy rain peacefully participating in support of human rights and social justice for all in San Francisco. Her specific role was to identify and retain the speakers. Click here to listen to some of the messages delivered including a moving song from Joan Baez.

Demonstrating leadership and passion for one’s belief is inspirational and makes me believe that our journey together as father and daughter has been exceedingly worthwhile as I am extremely proud of the path she is choosing regarding her views on human rights and social justice.

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