Business of Golf – Lollapoolza: Coming January 26, 2016

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Register for a free webinar

Would you like to learn how to make money from owning a golf course?  You are invited to register for an 8 hour educational conference like no other on January 26, 2016 (the day before the PGA Merchandise Show.)

We are partnering with one of the leading firms in the industry that will be announced after Labor Day.  You will be shocked to learn who it is and quickly be assured that this educational event will produce immediate benefits for your facility.

We will determine the potential of your golf course through a geographic local market analysis, provide access to the leading weather forecasting, optimize your use of technology, benchmark the financial performance of your course and create cash flow stimulations, examine your architectural practices and agronomic needs, evaluate your customer service standards through our secret shopper service and survey your golfers to learn their habits, preferences and where else they play

Register Now to Save Some $$$

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