Since 1989, JJ Keegan+ has provided insights to inspire golf courses to create value-based entertainment on a foundation that optimizes the financial performance of the facility.

As part of consulting engagements as envisioning strategists and reality mentors, they have crystallized the process of developing a successful strategic plan that has been captured in the “The Business of Golf – What Are Others Thinking” book series?

The “Business of Golf” book was first written in 2010 and has been updated in 2012, 2013, 2014, 2016 and 2020.

The 2024 Edition embraces the seven-step process previously documented with update to data, new client studies and additional research.

These books have garnered widespread appeal, due to its singularity as a sources that provides strategic, tactical and operational guidance. Over 7,000 copies of these books have been purchased in 16 countries and are used by Professional Golf Management programs as their capstone class.

By reading these books you will learn that there is a simple and efficient way to operate a golf course profitability.  These textbooks will greatly broaden your knowledge of the business of golf and be among the industry’s most learned experts.